We have preprocessed these datasets. Please refer to the paper for detailed method.

Data Type Dataset Sample size Platform Cancer type Sample type Source Link
RNA GSE69164 11 GPL11154 Liver->venous metastatic samples obtained from the metastatic tumor site GEO
RNA GSE46141 91 GPL10379 Breast->Multiple human tissues metastatic samples obtained from the metastatic tumor site GEO
RNA GSE42952 11 GPL570 pancrease->Multiple human tissues metastatic samples obtained from the metastatic tumor site GEO
RNA ACC 79 RNA-seq Adrenocortical carcinoma primary TCGA
RNA BLCA 405 RNA-seq Bladder urothelial carcinoma primary TCGA
RNA BRCA 1082 RNA-seq Breast invasive carcinoma primary TCGA
RNA CESC 296 RNA-seq Cervical and endocervical cancers primary TCGA
RNA CHOL 36 RNA-seq Cholangiocarcinoma primary TCGA

Showing 25 to 32 of 81 entries

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