Models trained by mRNA dataset
A tool for inferring cancer tissue of origin and molecular subtype using RNA gene-expression data and artificial intelligence
Deep Learning-Based Pan-Cancer Classification Model Reveals Tissue-of-Origin Specific Gene Expression Signatures
an R package to train multiclass pair-based classifier Neural Network: Predicting the Tissue-of-Origin of Common Cancer
Predicting the Tissue-of-Origin of Common Cancer Types Based on RNA-Seq Data
Tracing the Origins of Unknown Tumors Using Biological Pathway-based Transformer Model
Models trained by DNA Methylation dataset
Accurate prediction of pan-cancer types using machine learning with minimal number of DNA methylation sites
Machine Learning Approaches to Classify Primary and Metastatic Cancers Using Tissue of Origin-Based DNA Methylation Profiles
Machine Learning Approaches to Classify Primary and Metastatic Cancers Using Tissue of Origin-Based DNA Methylation Profiles
Machine Learning Approaches to Classify Primary and Metastatic Cancers Using Tissue of Origin-Based DNA Methylation Profiles
DNA methylation profiling to determine the primary sites of metastatic cancers using formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues
HiTAIC: hierarchical tumor artificial intelligence classifier traces tissue of origin and tumor type in primary and metastasized tumors using DNA methylation
PathMethy: An Advanced AI Framework for Cancer Origin Tracing and Typing via Pathway-Guided DNA Methylation Analysis