We have preprocessed these datasets. Please refer to the paper for detailed method.

Data Type Dataset Sample size Platform Cancer type Sample type Source Link
RNA PAAD 1 RNA-seq Pancreatic adenocarcinoma metastatic samples obtained from the primary tumor site TCGA
RNA PCPG 2 RNA-seq Pheochromocytoma and Paraganglioma metastatic samples obtained from the primary tumor site TCGA
RNA PRAD 1 RNA-seq Prostate adenocarcinoma metastatic samples obtained from the primary tumor site TCGA
RNA SARC 1 RNA-seq Sarcoma metastatic samples obtained from the primary tumor site TCGA
RNA SKCM 365 RNA-seq Skin Cutaneous Melanoma metastatic samples obtained from the primary tumor site TCGA
RNA THCA 8 RNA-seq Thyroid carcinoma metastatic samples obtained from the primary tumor site TCGA
RNA OV-AU 81 RNA-seq Ovarian Cancer primary ICGC
RNA PRAD-CA 144 RNA-seq Prostate Adenocarcinoma primary ICGC

Showing 65 to 72 of 81 entries

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